quarta-feira, 4 de setembro de 2013

Cycle World brasileira, pelas mãos de Luiz Guerreiro, logo nas bancas!

"Nasceu! é inquieta, independente e irreverente (e também me pareceu mais inteligente que a média). e tem tanta personalidade que as colegas já estão tentando imitá-la. espero que cresça saudável como a irmã 'car and driver'. logo, logo, nas bancas de todo o brasil.",  Luiz Guerreiro, se referindo a edição tupiniquim da revista americana Cycle World.

Cycle World is a motorcycling magazine in the United States. It was founded in 1962 by Joe Parkhurst, who was inducted to the Motorcycle Hall of Fame as, "the person responsible for bringing a new era of objective journalism" to the US.[2] As of 2001 Cycle World was the largest motorcycling magazine in the world.[2] The magazine is headquartered in Newport Beach, California. Regular contributors include Peter Egan. Occasional contributors have included Hunter S. Thompson.

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